Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul

Welcome to Class Four 

 Welcome to Year 4’s page.

Class 4 will be taught by Mrs Dolan and Mrs Simpkins and supported by Mrs Walmsley. 

In class 4 we have a jewel jar and we can collect jewels when we are working well together as a table team and class team. Once we get 100 jewels we will get a class treat! The children can also earn star tickets for individual effort and super listening. Each Friday 2 names will be drawn from the box and a little reward given.

We ask that the reading record is handed in on a Thursday so that we can see how reading is going at home. We truly believe that being able to read opens our mind up to new ideas, creative imaginations and the learning of new vocabulary. Reading with and to children is still so important and so where you can find time or opportunity to do this it will really benefit your child.

Spellings will be given on a Friday ready to be tested the following Friday. Please help your child to learn them and you could even challenge yourself! The spellings will be uploaded onto Seesaw each week.

Each Friday we will take part in our times table champion challenge. To become a times-table champion, the children will need to work through their times-tables (up to the 12 times-table), passing the required time for each set. They will then move onto the Hot 132! There are two of these! In this test, they will have to answer all 132 multiplication and division facts, comprising facts from all the times-tables. Once you have completed the hot 132 your child will have opportunity to extend their rapid recall to higher number such as 14 x, 15 x, 16x, 17x and the inverse. Your child will be challenged to complete this in less than 7 min and 30sec to become the ultimate times table champion! Your child will bring home their test with a score and time on so you can see how well they are achieving.

PE is on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon so please make sure your child has their PE Kit in school on these days.

We are happy to meet with any parent if you have any concerns or queries and can often be found on the door before or after school.


Mini Mudder

We were covered in mud and had a brilliant time on the Mini Mudder Challenge.

Sports Day

We had a great time at Sports Day, taking part in lots of races and cheering on our friends.

D.T. Moving Monsters 

Class 4 have been looking at pneumatic mechanisms and created their own moving monsters.

Year 4 Cricket

Year 4 enjoyed learning different cricket skills.

Summer Term Curriculum Overview

 Curriculum plan Summer.docxDownload
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We are Scientists
States of Matter - Investigating particle movement in solids. liquids and gases. To help us to understand how the particles behave in solid materials, liquids and gases we worked collaboratively using our bodies to represent the different states. Some of us were particles in a solid. Some of us were particles in a liquid and some of us represented the particles in a gas. 
Which chocolate will melt the fastest? In Y4 we have investigated the effects of temperature on different chocolate types to find out which chocolate melts the quickest. We predicted, we identified what would make a fair test, we carried out the investigation in small groups, we compared our results and concluded our findings. We had a great afternoon! 

Curriculum Plan for the Spring Term

 Curriculum plan Spring 1 (1).docxDownload
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Father Christmas

We all enjoyed having a chat with Father Christmas when he visited us.

Learning in Science

As Scientists we have been investigating living things and their habitats in our school grounds.

Murton Park

We had a wonderful day at Murton Park learning what daily life was like for Romans in Britain.


We have been developing our drawing skills using pen and ink to create still life pictures in our sketch books.

Curriculum Information for the Autumn Term

 Year 4 Autumn.docxDownload
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Macmillan Run

Year 4 did really well with their run for Macmillan everyone tried really hard.


Year 4 really enjoyed it when Dan the skipping man came in and taught them lots of different skills.


In Y4 we are exploring still life in different ways through our artwork. We used our close observational skills to capture line, shade and tone. We shared positive praise and encouragement to inspire each other to work with confidence..

Learning in Year 4 2022 - 2023

Class 4 had a fantastic  time at Camp Redwood! 

Year 4 had a really good morning with Ramp Up from Barnsley on both scooters and bikes.

Year 4 had a great time at Sports Day. Well done to all for competing.

Year 4 really enjoyed their D.T. project of making cars. They planned carefully, made them and then raced them to see what happened!

Year 4 Art with Fabrik Lenny

Year 4 really enjoyed their morning with artist Fabrik Lenny.

Spring Term Art

Class 4 have really enjoyed their art work this half term and created some great visual narratives based on Beowulf.

Visit from Father Christmas

We enjoyed visiting Father Christmas in his cosy grotto.  We had a chat and he kindly gave us an early Christmas present.

Murton Park Visit

Class 4 enjoyed their visit to Murton Park in York and finding out about the Romans 

Science Bug Hunt

We enjoyed searching for insects as part of our learning in Science.  We searched lots of different habitats and found a range of insects and worms.