Silkstone Primary School, High Street, Silkstone, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 4LR

01226 790333

Silkstone Primary School

A School with Soul

Welcome to Class Six


In class 6 our teaching team is Miss Glisson, Miss Turner and Mrs Ellis. We are a happy class and we encourage each other to be the best that we can be!

The children can receive a range of rewards for doing well. We have a marble jar and we can collect marbles when we are working well together as a team. Once we fill the jar, we have a class treat! The children can also earn certificates to be taken home or take an item from the goody bag for individual rewards. 

This year your child will be set a Reading Challenge. We hope that they will read with you at home three times every week. Please make a comment in your child’s reading record which is to be handed in on Fridays so we can track their progress towards this challenge. Homework will be set using Seesaw. There will be a spelling task every Friday.  Every Monday, there will either be a reading comprehension or a maths task.  

This year, P.E will be taught on Mondays and Thursdays so your child will need to bring their PE kit to school on these days.  

Mini Mudder

We all had a brilliant time on the Mini Mudder.

Sports Day

We enjoyed taking part in all the races and cheering everyone on.

Curriculum Overview Summer 2024

 sum1 curriculum letter for parents (1).docxDownload
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Fabric Lenny

We worked with the artist Fabric Lenny to design and decorate our Greek Vases to reflect our daily lives.  We worked collaboratively using paint and inks to create our wonderful finished pieces.


We learnt lots of new moves in our streetdance workshop.

Chester Zoo

We visited Chester Zoo as part of our learning in Geography and our topic on South America and the Amazon.  We loved seeing all the different animals and learning about conservation.


We enjoyed our Bikeability training - learning to ride safely on the roads - ready for secondary school.

Curriculum Plan for the Spring Term

 Curriculum letter Spring 1.docxDownload
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Design Technology - Breadmaking

In DT we have researched, designed and baked our own Christmas bread. We sampled various breads including stollen, panettone and hot cross buns as part of our research and also used our ICT skills to find out about bread across the world. We then designed and baked our own bread and took it home for our families to try. Yum!

Design Technology - Ancient Greek Vases

As part of their topic on the Ancient Greeks, Class 6 have made some Greek vases using their modelling skills. In Art lessons we studied the designs and patterns of Greek pottery and then they designed and made their own using a balloon and Modroc. I’m sure you’ll agree they look fantastic but also the children displayed excellent teamwork shown throughout the making process.

Visit to Crucial Crew

Class 6 visited Crucial Crew where they took place in various scenarios involving road, water and fire safety, bus travel and even carried out a mock court trial. A great day was had by all on this informative and helpful visit.

Father Christmas

We enjoyed having a chat with Father Christmas when he visited us.

Bench-Ball Tournament

We are really proud of our Bench-Ball team who came second in their tournament against nine local teams as part of the Passport 4 Sport competition.  Everyone demonstrated excellent teamwork and tried their very best.  

Run for Macmillan

It was time for our annual charity run.  This year we all ran at least one mile to raise money for Macmillan.

Robinwood Residential

Year Six had an absolutely amazing time at Robinwood for their residential.  They demonstrated teamwork and all showed a really positive attitude taking on all the challenges with enthusiasm.

Curriculum Information for the Autumn Term

 Year 6 Autumn.docxDownload
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Learning in Year 6 2022 - 2023

Geography Investigation

We visited Silkstone Beck and carried out investigations into the depth of the stream, the quality of the water, the flow of water and also sketched the landscape around the stream.

Sports Day

The sun shone and we all had a wonderful time on Sports Day.  Great sportsmanship and super achievements.  Well done everyone.

A day of DT

Andy Hepplewhite from HeppDT came into school to help us design and make our moving vehicles.  We had to cut and join the materials with great care. We then raced our finished vehicles on the playground and evaluated our designs.

Visit to Silkstone Church

We spent a wonderful afternoon with Canon Keith exploring the features of our local church.

Breakfast Club

We enjoyed our pre-sats breakfast, which set us up ready for our week of tests.  We all did our absolute best and celebrated their conclusion with an indoor picnic.  We are looking forward to our last weeks at Silkstone Primary.


Class 6 worked collaboratively to explain how the circulatory system works. They performed their presentations to the class and one group even serenaded us with a circulation rap. Well done class 6!

Chester Zoo

Class 6 had a fantastic day out at Chester Zoo. It was fascinating to get up-close to the animals we've been learning about. This trip will definitely help us to write our balanced argument about zoos. 

World Book Day

Class 6 really enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day! They were fantastic with the children in Early Years and Year One: sharing their books and talking about them with such enthusiasm. Well done everyone.

Ten Pieces

Class 6 were inspired by the composer Florence Price to compose their own music in groups during their BBC ten pieces week.

Hear My Voice

Class 6 were inspired to produce their own artwork to communicate a message they believe in. They selected materials and explored the effect of layering of drawings, printing and collage.

The Rainforest debate

Class 6 debated for and against deforestation this afternoon. I was very impressed by how well they argued - remembering how to be persuasive from their English lessons. Well done!

Christmas Bread

We are looking forward to selling our bread at the Christmas Fayre!


Father Christmas

We enjoyed our visit to see Father Christmas in his grotto.  He was very kind and gave us an early Christmas present.

Christmas Bread

Class 6 learnt how to explain the science behind bread-making today. Everyone helped to add the ingredients and knead the dough. We explored how bread can be made with and without eggs and oil, then tasted the difference. We are looking forward to designing our Christmas breads to sell at the fayre!


The Taste Test

Class 6 have really enjoyed tasting different Christmas breads and are looking forward to designing and making their own breads to sell at the Christmas Fayre.

Fabric Lenny
Class 6 thoroughly enjoyed working with Fabric Lenny. He inspired them with collaborative mirror drawings and responding to music through art. Then, the children learnt how to make observational drawings with one continuous line.
They were then able to complete their vases using their patterns and drawings in the style of Fabric Lenny. We think they look amazing!


A Grand Day Out!

Year 6 crammed RE, Art and History into their visit to Leeds.  They visited the Sikh Temple, Leeds City Art Gallery and Leeds Museum to enrich their learning across the curriculum.

Visit to Leeds City Art Gallery

Class 6 were inspired by the artwork at Leeds City Art Gallery. After reading The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson, the children marvelled at the painting up close. They were also able to admire the work of Charmaine Watkiss and appreciate her life-size drawings and respond to these thoughtfully.

Visit to Leeds Museum

At the Leeds Museum, class 6 explored real artefacts to learn more about the Ancient Greeks. They worked in teams to find certain pieces in the museum and then delivered a presentation to the rest of the class to summarise their new learning. They are excited to learn more as they see themselves as young archaeologists.

The Sikh Temple, Chapeltown.

Visiting the Sikh Temple is an experience our class 6 will never forget! They were very respectful inside the worship room and listened carefully to learn more about Sikhism from the Sikh who showed us around. Then they enjoyed the langar: sitting on the floor together to share snacks and a drink. 

Collage Work

Class 6 have been inspired by artist Emmie Van Biervliet to create these intriguing collages using a range of textures. We think they look amazing when they are displayed together as one landscape.

Greek Vases

Class 6 have really enjoyed working collaboratively to build their vases this afternoon during their art lesson. We are looking forward to working with artist Fabric Lenny to complete these with collage and drawings.nter text...

Robinwood Residential

Year 6 got off to a flying start with our three day residential at Robinwood.  Everyone threw themselves enthusiastically into all the activities offered and faced the challenges.  Well done Year 6!